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WOLC Choir about 2001. I was on the front row end with white shoes. |
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Bartlett Family Connections: December In Remembrance
Welcome To December and Bartlett Family Connections!
I hope during the upcoming year that you will discover more on your family history.Enjoy the holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Some of the Descendants Of Elias W. BARTLETT Sr.
The Bartlett Family Connections
Dec 29, 1926
She passed. She was the wife of John BLAKEY BLAKLEY and Chilton LYLES.
Dec 12, 2005
In Memory of Geniva (LYLE) JONES passed.
She was the daughter of Chilton LYLES and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY LYLES
Dec 8, 1954
In Memory of Nancy (CHAMBERLIN) BLAKLEY was born.
She was the wife of George W. BLAKLEY
Dec 13. 2016
In Memory of Paul Louis BLAKLEY. He passed.
He was the grandson of John BLAKEY and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY- LYLES
Dec 18, 1912
In Memory of Alma "Lottie" (CAVE) SMITH, BLAKLEY JACKMAN was born.
She was the widow of
Garnett SMITH,
And the wife of
The Blakey Blakley WHITE Familiy Connections Link
Dec 24, 1952
In Memory of George T. ARMSTRONG passed.
He was the husband of Juanita (BARTLETT) ARMSTRONG.
The Branch of George ARMSTRONG and Juanita (BARTLETT) ARMSTRONG
Dec 14, 1918
In Memory of Frank H. HICKS Sr. was born.
He was the husband of Harriett Edna (ARMSTONG) HICKS.
Dec 23, 1935
In Memory of Bennie Leon HUPP. He was born.
He was the husband of Doris Jean (MABIN/ HICKS) HUPP WILKERSON.
Dec, 27, 1999
In Memory of Fredrick Otis GRAHAM He passed.
He was the husband of Roberta Elaine (ARMSTRONG) BOONE GRAHAM GREEN.
Dec 22, 1882In Memory of Isabelle / Isabella QUEENSBERRY) BARTLETT. She was born.
She was the wife of Charles BARTLETT.
The Branch of Charles and Isabella (QUEENSBERRY) BARTLETT.
Dec 12, 1981
In Memory of Chancey Harold BARTLETT. He passed.
He was the son of Charles and Isabella (QUEENSBERRY) BARTLETT
The Branch of Wade and Sarah (BARTLETT) PEYTON
Dec 9, 1989
In Memory of Quitman "Daniel FLUDD III He passed.
He was the son of Quitman D. FLUDD Jr. and Thomas Sarah (PEYTON) FLUDD ANDERSON
Dade Family Connections: In Remembrance
Welcome To December and The Dade Family Connections!
I hope during the upcoming year that you will discover more on your family history.Enjoy the holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.
S.A. Blakley
Family Connections:
The Branch of Robert and Charlotta (DADE) LANKFORD / LANKFARD
Dec of 1942
In Memory of Ezekiel Watson NICKERSON He passed
He was the husband of Isabella V. (LANKFORD) NICKERSON
Dec 1, 1865
In Memory of Sarah (RYDEN) LANKFORD She was born.
She was the wife of James Andrew LANKFORD.
Dec 2, 1931
In Memory of Frederick N. LANKFORD / LANGFORD. He was born the son of Nym LANKFORD / LANKFARD and Irene GRAHAM LANKFARD.
Dec 8, 1954
In Memory of Nancy (CHAMBERLIN) BLAKLEY She was born.
She was the wife of George W. BLAKLEY
Dec 9, 1932
In Memory of Melvin E. WASHINGTON Jr. He passed.
He was the son of Melvin E. WASHINGON Sr. and Leola (LANKFORD) WASHINGTON FARMER.
Dec 13. 2016
In Memory of Paul Louis BLAKLEY. He passed.
He was the grandson of Leo and Mary (ALLEN) LANKFORD/ LANKFARD.
Dec 20, 1918
In Memory of Grace Lee (SMITH) LANKFORD She was born.
She was the wife of Robert Lewis LANKFARD who was the son of Leo and Mary (ALLEN) LANKFORD / LANKFARD.
Dec 21, 1889
In Memory of Mary Anna ALLEN LANKFORD / LANKFARD She was born. She was wife of Leo LANKFORD / LANKFARD
Dec 21, 1896
In Memory of Meta (HUGHES) LANKFORD BEARD She was born.
She was the wife of Charles Edward LANKFORD
She was the wife of Hanceford BEARD.
The Branch of Louis Newton DADE and Mary Ann (VENOY) DADE
Dec 5, 1939
In Memory of Melvin Milford COLLINS Jr. He passed.
He was the son of Melvin COLLINS Sr. and Julie Mary BROWN COLLINS
Dec 7, 1910
In Memory of Japlin G. DADE.
He passed. He was the son of Louis Newton DADE and Mary Ann (VENOY) DADE
Dec 8, 1969
In Memory of William NICKERSON He passed.
He was the husband of Elizabeth J. (DADE) NICKERSON
Dec 13 , 1943
In Memory of John Wayne COLLINS He passed.
He was the son of Melvin COLLINS Sr. and Julie Mary BROWN COLLINS
Some of the Descendants of Isaac DADE and Frances (OVINGTON) DADE.
Dec 24, 1921
In Memory of Mary Ann (DADE) MADISON She passed.
She was the daughter of Isaac DADE and Frances (OVINGTON) DADE.
The Branch of David and Louisa (DADE) WASHINGTON
Dec 4, 2014
In Memory of Lila Diana (TATE) DEVAN She passed
She was the daughter of Edgar TATE and Juanita WASHINGTON TATE.
Dec 7, 1983
In Memory of Rosa "Rose" Anne (WASHINGTON) She passed.
She was the daughter of Isaac WASHINGTON and Mary Ann (BROWN) WASHINGTON.
Dec 11, 2008
In Memory of Bernice (AKERS) TILLMAN She passed.
She was married to Raymond O. HENDRED.
Dec 12, 1919
In Memory of William "Willie" Charles HENDREDS. He passed
He was the son of George HENDRED and Ellen LOVE WASHINGTON HENDRED.
Dec 18, 2011
In Memory of Spec Durwood Darnell HENDRICKS Sr He passed.
The HENDRED and COTTON Connections
Dec 22, 1857
In Memory of Mary Ann (BROWN) WASHINGTON. She was born.
She was the wife of Isaac WASHINGTON
Dec 24, 1875
In Memory of Isaac Lewis HENDRED. He was born.
He was the son of George and Ellen (LOVE/ WASHINGTON) HENDRED.
Dec 26, 2015
In Memory of Russell Lee TATE He passed.
He was the son of Edgar and Juanita (WASHINGTON) TATE
Monday, November 1, 2021
DADE Family Connections November 2021
Branch of Robert and Charlotta (DADE) LANKFORD / LANKFARD
In Loving Memory of Robert Louis LANKFORD / LANKFARD
He passed on Nov 14, 1919. He was the husband of Charlotta (DADE) LANKFORD / LANKFARD.
In Loving Memory of Ambrose W. JACKSON Jr. He was born Nov 2, 1925.
He was the son of Ambrose W. JACKSON Sr. and Thelma R. (LANKFORD ) JACKSON.
In Loving Memory of William W. FARMER Jr. He passed on Nov 2, 1989.
He was the husband of Leola (LANKFORD) FARMER.
In Loving Memory of The Rev Aile J. JOHNSON He passed on Nov 9, 1969.
He was the husband of Sarah Bell (LANKFORD) JOHNSON.
In Loving Memory of David W. BLAKLEY. According to the 1920 Census, he was born in Sept of 1913. His brother Isaac said that David wasn't born in Nov. David always celebrated his birth on Nov 13th. His born day is recorded as Nov 13, 1913, the son of John BLAKEY / BLAKLEY and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY LYLE.
In Loving Memory of Lankford James NICKERSON. He was born on Nov 15, 1924, the son of Ezekiel W. NICKERSON and Isabella V. (LANKFORD) NICKERSON.
In Loving Memory of Isaac Richard BLAKLEY. He was born on Nov 15, 1934 in St. Paul MN.
He was the son of Isaac BLAKLEY and Anna (LANKFORD) BLAKLEY.
In Loving Memory of Nancy Louise (CHAMBERLIN ) BLAKLEY. Nancy passed on Nov 15, 1987.She was the daughter of Harold CHAMBERLIN and Vivian CHAMBERLIN.
Nancy was the wife of G. BLAKLEY.
In Loving Memory of Richard THOMAS. He passed on November 20, 2017.
He was the son of Milton Vernon THOMAS and Mary Virginia (LANKFORD) THOMAS.
Branch of Louis Newton DADE and Mary Ann (VENOY) DADE
In Loving Memory of Money DADE. He was passed on Nov 19, 1943, the son of Louis Newton DADE and Mary Ann (VENOY) DADE.
In Loving Memory of Mary Julia COLLINS. She was born on Nov 12, 1945 , the daughter of Melvin COLLINS Sr. and Julia Mary (BROWN) COLLINS
Branch of Louisa DADE WASHINGTON's daughter Ellen LOVE HENDRED.
In Loving Memory of James W. HENDREDS He passed on Nov 3, 1910. His surnames was spelled HENDREDS on his death record. He was the son of George HENDRED and Ellen (LOVE / WASHINGTON) HENDRED.
In Loving Memory of Betty WILKINSON (HENDRED) SHYNE. She passed on Nov 6, 2016. She was the wife of
In Loving Memory of Leahy L. CRAYTON He passed on Nov 8, 1978. He was husband of Maxine Louise (HENDRED) CRAYTON
In Loving Memory of Arthur CLAY. He was born in 1937. He was the son of Robert Roy Smith CLAY and Cora Ann (MANLEY) CLAY.
In Loving Memory of Melanie James (JAMES) CLAY. She passed on Nov 9, 2003 . She was the wife of Ralph Louis CLAY.
In Memory of Donald L. OSBORNE. He passed on Nov 9. 2003. He was the husband of Genevia Sue (WILLIAMS) OSBORNE.
In Loving Memory of Marshall HENDRED. He was born on Nov 28, 1907, the son of Isaac HENDRED and Elsie (MARSHALL) HENDRED
In Loving Memory of Benjamin WASHINGTON. He was born on Nov 8, 1882.
He was the son of David WASHINGTON and Louisa Janie (DADE) WASHINGTON.
In Loving Memory of John WASHINGTON He passed on Nov 27, 1916.
He was the son of David WASHINGON and Louisa "Janie" (DADE) WASHINGTON.
In Loving Memory of Juanita (WASHINGTON) TATE. She passed on Nov 25, 1950 , She was the daughter of Rosa Anne WASHINGTON and George HAZELWOOD
Info complied by Susan Ann Blakley
BARTLETT Family Connections 2021
Welcome to November!
Info Complied by Susan Ann BlakleyThe Branch of John and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY
In Loving Memory of David W. BLAKLEY . According to the 1920 census he was born in Sept of 1913. David's brother Isaac stated that David wasn't born in Nov. David always celebrated his birthday on Nov 13th.His birthday is recorded as Nov 13, 1913, the son of John BLAKEY / BLAKLEY and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY LYLE.
In Loving Memory of Richard Isaac BLAKLEY was born on Nov 15, 1934 in St. Paul MN.
He was the son of Isaac BLAKLEY and Anna (LANKFORD) BLAKLEY.
In Loving Memory of Nancy C. (CHAMBERLIN) BLAKLEY passed on Nov 15, 1987.
She was the daughter of Harold CHAMBERLIN and Vivian (BURDEN) CHAMBERLIN.
Nancy was the wife of G. BLAKLEY.
In Loving Memory of Eugene T. RICHARDSON passed on Nov 28, 1991.
He was the husband of Mary Jane (BLAKLEY) RICHARDSON.
In Loving Memory In November :The Blakey / Blakley / WHITE Family Connections
The Branch of Chilton LYLE and Jennie (BARTLETT) BLAKLEY LYLE
In Loving Memory of Amer Nazife LYLE. He was born on Nov 1, 1956, the son of Faris C. LYLE and Catherine (STRANGE) LYLE.
Branch of George and Juanita (BARTLETT) ARMSTRONG.
In Loving Memory of George Thomas. ARMSTRONG was born on Nov 29, 1882 in Platte City, Missouri . He was the son of George W. ARMSTRONG and Maggie (BROWN) ARMSTRONG.
George T. was the husband of Juanita (BARTLETT) ARMSTRONG.
In Loving Memory of Mary Ann ARMSTRONG. She passed on Nov 12, 1988. She was the daughter of George ARMSTRONG and Juanita (BARTLETT) ARMSTRONG.
In Loving Memory of Catherine Virginia (ARMSTRONG) ELLIS. She was born on Nov 28, 1924, the daughter of George ARMSTRONG and Juanita (BARTLETT) ARMSTRONG.
In Memory of Frank Thomas HICKS Jr. He passed on Nov 15, 2016. He was the son of Frank Thomas HICKS Sr. and Harriett (ARMSTRONG) HICKS.
Branch of Charles BARTLETT and Isabella (QUEENSBERRY) BARTLETT
In Memory of Roy C. BARTLETT. He was born on Nov 25, 1906, the son of Charles BARTLETT and Isabella (QUEENSBERRY) BARTLET