Since his early career while in his teens, he was know as Ad “Add Langford”. I’m not for sure how he earned the nickname “Smoke”. Either he was fast in his pitching and or both fast in his running. Add Langford was a member of the Negro Baseball League: as an armature / professional from about 1900 – 1920’s.
In his early years, “Add” played right fielder, short stop and third base and pitcher for the Black Wonders: The Brownies. This team was out of St. Joseph, Missouri. By 1908, ” Add” made his way to, Utah where he was playing with the Occidentals. And before 1920, he was managing / and pitching with the Pennsylvania Red Caps.
Who was “Add Langford”?
“Add” was born Louis Adward Lankford on January 27, 1882 in Canton, Lewis County in Missouri. He was the son of Robert Louis Lankford / Lankfard (1852 – 1919) and Charlotta (Dade) Lankford / Lankfard. (1854 – 1924). He was one of 11 children.
Why did Louis used his nickname “Add” and the LANGFORD spelling as an athletic ?
It’s a mystery. Louis spelled his nickname Add. At time the news media spelled the name Ad.
Crop photo is of Add Langford with his Occidental teammates.
The location and year of photo is unknown.
News article from The Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake City, Utah 07 May 1908, Thu • Page 10

Add was a member of at least 12 baseball teams in his career. His starting baseball years was before in 1912. He was playing with the Oxies in 1908.
News article from the Salt Lake Telegram Salt Lake City, Utah 08 Jun 1908, Mon • Page 7

I was wondering, when did Add joined a baseball team? He had been connected to a team around 1900.
I searched and discovered that Add also was a boxing in St. Joseph. It appears that he loved sports in his early years. I discovered that there was a ball field not to far from the Lankford’s were living in 1894 at 2411 Messanie Street. According to the newspaper at this time, there was a ball field was at 25th and Messanie Streets.
Add also had the love for boxing. He had some boxing matches in St. Joseph, and some else where. He had one professional match in 1911.
Thanks for reading.
Mr. Add “Smoke” Langford: Professional Baseball Player #52Ancestors Week 12 In 2023
Louis passed in June of 1967 in NY.
He was the last of the Lankford / Lankfard siblings to pass.
R.I.P. Great Uncle “Add”
He was my Grandfather Leo’s brother.
March 22, 2023
I added the In Memory:
Dade Family Connections
Branch of Elias W. Bartlett Family Connections
Branch of Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
Thanks for reading.
S.A. Blakley
Week 12 ~ Amy Johnson Crow #52Ancestors In 52 Weeks Challenge
The theme for Week 12 is “Membership.” It isn’t unusual to find our ancestors as members of a group, such as churches, school alumni, veterans organizations, or fraternal societies. Have you found an ancestor who was as member of a group? Or maybe you’ve made a discovery by being a member of a genealogical or historical society. Write about it this week!