This blog was posted May 21, 2024
In Memory of Family Connections:
July In Remembrance:
Dade Family Connections
July In Remembrance:
Bartlett Family Connections
July In Remembrance:
Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
Thanks for reading.
God Bless
Lankford Nicknames On The 1900 Missouri Census
Several years ago, I took on the task of searching through the 1900 census schedule for St. Joseph, Missouri page by page so that could locate my Great Grandparents Robert and Charlotta Lankford / Lankfard and their children. Their names weren’t listed on the index. I believed that they were on that census.
Then on Monday, November 9, 2009, my moments of rejoicing came!! As I look at each name, I was convinced that this household was my Lankford family connections. But, their surname appeared to have been spelled. The index taker recorded their surname as Sankford. And all the first L’s of their name and surname were S’s. So, my Grandfather was Sea Sankford.
Cropped photo is of the 1900 United States Federal Census for Robert Louis Lankford
Missouri Buchanan, St Joseph, Ward 06 District 0069: ~ The address was 2413 Edmond Street.

And whosoever gave the names of each family member to the census taker gave the person the nicknames / initial of the family members. What were their real names?
The head of house was R.S. Sankford, his wife Charlottie and children as follow…
R. L. was Robert Louis Lankford / Lankfard ( 1852 -1919)
Charlottie was Charlotta Lottie ( Dade) Lankford / Lankfard (1854 – 1924)
Freddie was Frederick A. Lankford / Lankfard ( 1878 – 1863 )
He went by Fred as well.
Addie L was Louis Adward Lankford / Lankfard 1882 – 1967)
His famous nickname was “Add” and at times, he spell his surname Langford, Lankford, and Lankfard.
He had the nickname of “Smoke” as he was a pitcher in the Negro League….ca 1912 – 1920’s.
Lea was Leo Lankford / Lankfard (1884 – 1954)
Annie A. was Anna Alice Lankford / Lankfard – Smith (1886 – 1968)
She went by Annie. She became Mrs. Christopher Columbia Smith.
Charlie was Charles Edward Lankford / Lankfard (1890 – 1937)
Nymadula that was his first name and his nickname was Nym ( 1896 – 1965)
He spell his surname both ways Lankford / Lankfard
Isabell was Isabella V.. Lankford / Lankfard – Nickerson ( 1898 – 1938)
She became Mrs. Ezekiel Watson. Nickerson.
There were two more Lankford children on the 1900 census. They were married.
James was James Andrew Lankford / Lankfard. (1873 – 1957)
His nickname was Jim.
Lulu was Lula Mae Lankford / Lankfard Madison. ( 1876 – 1961)
She was Mrs. William Emanuel Madison Sr.
Thanks for reading.
Lankford Nicknames On The 1900 Missouri Census
One more thing, the Vernon Johnson in R.L. Lankford household could have been Robert’s relative. There was an Anna Sarah (Lankford) Johnson in Canton, Missouri the same time Robert was there. in 1873. I have discovered that Anna and Robert both came from Washington County Century.
God bless
S.A. Blakley
Week 21 ~ Amy Johnson Crow’s #52Ancestors in 52 Week Challenge for 2024.
The theme for Week 21 is “Nickname.” Names can be incredibly fluid, and nicknames can trip us up in our research. What’s a nickname that you’ve found in your family tree?