I can't recall when I knew that there were different races in our family. On my mother's father's side: I heard that Great Grandpa Robert L. Lankford had a half sister named Mamie. She was half white. She was said to have been daughter of slave master Morton.

What's so amazing, some of the Mortons lived in the city where Great Grandpa Robert resided in MO. When my mother's father Leo, ( Robert's son) passed away, one of the Mortons attended his funeral in Sept of 1954.
I don't know when the Lankford family came from KY to MO. But Great Grandpa Robert's last name may have been changed. Morton was believed to have been the slave name.
Back in the days, people seemed to be hush hush about things. There were things people didn't talk about. I think that there are some who are embarrassed that the races mixed. Even more so had off springs.
While I was growing up, I can't recall when I first saw "mix" couples. When I looked at family photos. I noticed different "shades" of people. Some looked white.
I can say that I have relatives who are of another "color" than I am. I'm not embarrassed. I have white, mulatto and Mexican in laws and cousins. Yes, even nieces and nephews of other races.
I think it's in how we believe and see things in life. God created us in His image. God is HUMAN. We are of the HUMAN Race. I had a thought. We can't marry out of our race. There is only one RACE. That's the HUMAN RACE.
May we appreciate our family heritage. May we learn about our family history. May we see that the spirit of the person is what we should look at...
While On The Journey...
Different Races
There is ONE race.
That's the human race.