I’ve been on a row searching through church related information. This blog theme came from something I found in my Great Grandmother Anna Laura (Washington) Walters’ 1947 handwritten obituary. I haven’t really looked into Anna’s church life or other early family members” relationship with the church.
My Great Anna Laura was affiliated with the following churches; the Holsey Chapel, New Hope (Baptist Church) and St. Paul C.M.E Church. I’ve been searching old news papers. I was amazed by the discoveries I came across. (The crop photo is a part of the handwritten obituary of my Great Grandmother Anna.)

As I continue to search obituaries, newspapers and other sources about my family members, I began to see where some may have attended church. Still yet, years later, I can see that there were other relatives who attended the same church. And some of the churches changed their names and didn’t say much about which church was which. Example. The A.M.E. Church. This is confusing.
Where did some relatives worship and became members of a church in St. Joseph, Missouri? Where did some relatives get married? And where were the homecoming celebrations for their loved ones held?
African Methodist. Episcopal (A.M.E.)
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.)
Baptist Missionary Church
Ebenezer Baptist
Ebenezer A.M.E Church
3rd and Antoine
2115 Felix
The A.M.E. Church
The C.M.E. Church
St. Paul C.M.E.
Article about the church moved at 1718 Holman in 1935.
Holsey C.M.E. at 3rd and Robidoux
Hosley Memorial CME
Hosley Temple
Hosley Chapel The original was named after the Rev L. H. Hosley )
Hosley Chapel I.C.M.
New Hope Baptist Church (1884)
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Francis Street Baptist Church.
Francis Baptist Church.
Francis Street Missionary Baptist Church
Trinity Baptist Church established in 1925
Trinity Missionary Baptist Church
Pastors and Reverends of the church.
Rev. Aile J. Johnson, who married my Aunt Sarah Belle
Sarah was my mother’. Lula’s sister.
Rev Thomas A. White, my cousin on my father David’s side
Home Coming Celebrations:
I did discover that there were relatives who didn’t have funeral services at a church. Some were at the funeral home or at the gravesite. And some were are held the home of the departed.
My elven month old Aunt Edna Blakley’s funeral was held at her parents, John’s and Jennie’s home in 1904. My Great Grandfather Robert Louis Lankford / Lankfard’s funeral was at his home in 1919.
Marriages in the Bartlett Family were most likely held at Francis Street Church
The Rev Dr. Emmett M Cohron married Lucy Bartlett and Joshua A. Mossell in 1900. In 1903 he married Myrtle Peyton and William Younger and in 1912, he married. Juanita Bartlett and George Armstrong. And in 1914 he married Lucy Bartlett Mossell and George Gross.
It’s most likely Francis Street Church was where the Bartletts worship.
And more so that’s were funeral services were held.
I believe that I will find more, if I keep searching the newspapers. I have learned something about the people who marriage some of my relatives . Rev Dr. Emmett M. Cohron was a well known. Most likely he knew some of my relatives. I didn’t know that Uncle Aile and my cousin Rev. T. A. White knew each other.
It’s a small world. The more I keep searching, the more I see some connections. I believed that there is more out there. I continue on the quest to discover more my family connections,
Thanks for reading.
Exploring Church Info: Where Relatives Gathered ~ Week 36 In 2022 was posted p September 9, 2022
In Remembrance of the ...
DADE Family Connections
BARTLETT Family Connections
Blakey Blakley WHITE Family Connections
God bless
S.A. Blakley
Week 36 and September’s Theme
Amy Johnson Crow #52Ancestors 52 Weeks ~ facebook group
The theme for Week 36 and September is “Exploration.” Where did your ancestors explore? Who moved around a lot? You could also share records, libraries, or archives that you’ve explored in. Remember, there’s no wrong way to interpret the theme!