There is so much I can get out of this birth announcement. Mrs. Chilton Lyles was Mrs. Jennie (Bartlett) Blakley Lyles. Her son was born on October 15, 1925. He would be named Edgar Bartlett Lyle. Sadly to say, Edgar passed on April 16, 1926. He was about 6 months old.
Birth announcement in The St. Joseph Observer : St. Joseph, Missouri • Fri, Oct 23, 1925 Page 5

Mr. Chilton Lyle was Jennie’s second husband. They had at least five children together.
Twin daughters, Dorris Lyle and Dorothy Lyle were born on April 27, 1920. Sadly to say, they passed less than 3 months old: at two days apart on July 3rd and July 5, 1920. They were buried together.
The only two Lyle children who made it to adulthood:
Sergeant Faris Chilton Lyle (1923 – 2008) ~ He married and was the father of 7.
Geneva (Lyle) Jones (1924 – 2005) ~ She was married and was the mother of 7.
Jennie’s second husband, Chilton Lyles was born in Kansas about 1869.
He was the son of free people of color.
Jennie’s first husband was John Blakey Blakley Sr. (1871 – 1918) . They had 12 children together.
Their Baby Girl Blakey was still born on November 10, 1902.
There were four daughters and a son who passed with in a year of their births.
Edna Blakley (1903 – 1904) ~ She was 11 months old.
Cecil BLAKEY (1908 – 1909) ~ She was about 3 months old.
Juanita BLAKEY (1910 -1910) ~ She was about 3 months old.
Baby Boy Blakley (1917 – 1918) ~ He passed 3 days before his first birthday.
Jennie’s husband John who was born June 21, 1871 with a twin Andrew. John passed four months after Baby Boy Blakley on July 10, 1918. John was one of 20. His father, Private Isaac Blakey married twice.
As for the other Blakley children who made it to their adulthood.
Pastor John Henry Blakley Jr. (1905 – 1975) ~ He married twice and had step children.
Isaac “Ike” Blakley (1906 1980) ~ He married and had two sons.
Paul Blakley (1907 – 1946) ~ He was married and had step children.
Mary Jane Blakley Richardson (1911 – 2001) ~ She married and adopted two daughters.
Rev Orbrey Pearson Blakley(1912 – 1943) ~ He never married and had no children.
David William Blakley Sr. (1913 – 1989) ~ He married and had 19 children.
Hazel “Bush” Blakley was born in 1915 and she passed at age 18 with child in 1933.
According to what my mother, Lula, she shared with me, “Mrs. (Jennie) Blakley had 19 children.” This is according to what my mother’s mother Mary Allen Lankford / Lankfard told her. Could it have been, Jennie had another child before she passed?
Who was Jennie Lyles?
She was my father, David’s mother. Jennie was born in 1883 to Elias W. Bartlett Sr. and Harriet (Hooper) Bartlett. She was one of 14. And her first name could have been Geneva. She passed on December 29, 1926 at the age of 43. The surname Lyle was spelled Lyles at times.
R.I. P Grandmother Jennie
Thanks for reading.
News of Mrs. Chilton Lyles’ Birth of Her 18th Child
S.A. Blakley
In Remembrance:
Dade Family Connections
Bartlett Family Connections
Blakey Blakley Family Connections
WHITE Family Connections
July 12, 2023 Week 28 ~ Amy Johnson Crow’s #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge in 2023
The theme for Week 28 is “Random.” Sometimes we find the most random things about our ancestors. For me, it was discovering that my great-grandfather had a tattoo on his upper arm. You could also pick a random ancestor and write about him or her this week. Have fun with this theme!
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