Happy Easter!
I hope you enjoy the season.
Wishing all the best in the 2nd quarter of 2018.
I hope you find some family connections.
The BARTLETT Family Connections: Here's the link April In Memory
In Memory of Elias W. BARTLETT Jr. He was born on April, 21, 1879 in Carrollton, Missouri. He was the son of Elias W. BARTLETT Sr. and Harriet C. (BUFFINGTON / HOOPER) BARTLETT.
52 Ancestors 52 Weeks
The Blakey / Blakley WHITE Family Connections: April In Memory
In Memory of Alberta (WHITE ) MORRIS. She was born on April 1, 1892 in Missouri. She was the daughter of Richard "Dick" WHITE and Jane (FERGUSON) WHITE
In Memory of Isaac BLAKEY. He passed on April 1, 1971 in Yankton, South Dakota. He was the son on Isaac and Rachel (LEPHRIDGE) BLAKEY. Isaac was the husband of Maggie (WILLIAMS) BLAKEY.
52 Ancestors 52 Weeks
Where There's A Will
The DADE Family Connections: Here's the link April In Memory
In Memory of Louisa Jane "Janie" (DADE) WASHINGTON She passed on April 21, 1910 in Lewis County Missouri. She was the daughter of Isaac and Frances (OVINGTON) DADE. Louisa was the wife of David WASHINGTON Sr.
In Memory of Charlotta (DADE) LANKFORD / LANKFARD She passed on April 3 1924 in New York. She was the daughter of Isaac DADE and Frances (OVINGTON) DADE. She was the wife of Robert Louis LANKFORD / LANKFARD.
52 Ancestors 52 Weeks:
Strong Woman My mother, Lula.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless you.
S.A. Blakley