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Reminiscing~~~My Time Line Public School Years Part 4

Friday, 19 January 2007

Reminiscing~~~My Time Line Public School Years Part 4

I have put together some interesting things about my schooling years. I was hoping that I would have found my report cards from grade school. I used my memory on the names of my teachers and spellings. I found my Kindergarten group photo.



In 1968 I entered Kindergarten at Mark Twain Elementary. There were 42 of us in the afternoon class photo. I had a cousin and there were twins brothers as my classmates. [There were about half of my classmates I could not place.] Our teacher was Miss B. Wise. [She was the youngest teacher that taught me.] Special note: I had four brothers and a sister attending school while I was in kindergarten. We had some cousins going to school with us.

Below are the Grades and a little bit that I can recall. I added some updates.

1st I don't recall very much about the first grade. However I did have to repeat. I was told by my siblings that this would happen. [This was the only grade that I know I don't have my report cards. I have all the others.] One thing that I do recall...having a band aid on my head one time. I played rough when I was growing up. [My knees have scar on them.] I was a tom boy. Teachers names were Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Espy.

2nd I got to learn how to write "fancy"...I think we call it "cursive writing". I was in a group called the "Motor Mouse Reading Group". When we had to draw a picture of our mothers for Mother's Day, the teacher told the other kids to take out their pink crayon. She told me to use the brown crayon color my mother's face....Back then I did not know why. I was not thinking about color. I just wanted to color. Our teacher's name was Mrs. May. She had been teaching a long while. [I could say that she was the oldest teacher that taught me in grade school.]

3rd I recall standing outside the hallway by my third grade classroom. I had drawn a picture of my mother. I had to ease the eyelashes off my mother's eyelids. I drew this picture for Mother's Day. The teacher told me that I could not have eyelashes on my mother's eyelids. [The eyelashes were in the right place on the eyes.] Our teacher's name was Mrs. Buneau.

4th We had a "play" in class. I like the play so much that I copied my own handwriting ... word by word. One day my teacher found my copy in my desk. My very first time I went to the "Big" office was when I had to go get permission to ride my bike to school. I did pass the test. That year kids kept letting the air out of my tires so I had to stop riding my bike to school. Our teacher's name was Mrs. B. Ashworth.[ Sometimes she would play ball with us during playtime.]

5th I missed about two weeks of school. I was sick. I don't recall what I had ...chicken pot or whatever. I got to write a letter to a "famous person". I choose a movie star /model who had the same name as mine...well somewhat... her last name spelled different. [Special note: This model wrote me back. I got to meet this actress/model while she was in town in March of 1992.] Our teacher's name was Miss J. Jones. She had a twin sister.

6th I was a patrol girl. As our reward for being on patrol, we got to go to a Royals' game in K.C. MO...that was my very first one. I graduated from the six grade. We had a graduation ceremony. We wore paper caps on our heads. I remember my Kindergarten teacher taking some of us outside so that she could take pictures. We were the ones who she taught. Our teacher's name was Mrs. J. Gibson. [She said that I was one of her favorite students.]

7th I entered into Truman Middle School. I missed registration. Yeah, I registered late. One of my brother's taught math there. Another one of my brother was in the eighth grade. I was challenged to take spanish and french classes. That year my whole family gathered together for the news paper. We appeared in the news paper on January 6, 1977. It's been 30 years.

8th I was ending my Middle School years. I notice yesterday that I was one chosen to be in "tiger country" section in our year book. We were Truman Tigers. Some of my teachers wrote in my year book that I should talk more. They said that I was a good student.

9th I entered into Central High School. There were two other brothers there. One a senior and the other a sophomore. We had another brother who taught social studies there. [This was the start for me to take french classes... I did for 4 years. I got a B every year. English was another story. I don't know why I did better in french.] Also we had a nephew who lived with us. This nephew told some of his friends that I was his niece. This nephew was with us for three years. He graduated in K.C. his senior year in 1982.

10th I was introduced to black history in my geometry. I wrote a paper on Benjamin Bannecker [1731- 1806.] He calculated the first ever survey for the Federal District which is know as Washington D.C. He did other inventions too. I got my first job "shackling" corn for the summer. I was the only girl there. There were four of my brothers with me.

11th I made a trip to Yankton S.D. to visit some of our cousins to learn more about our family history. I did not go to the junior or senior proms. I did not have a date.

12th In 1982 I had all determination to complete my senior year to became the 18th member in my family to graduate from Central High. [2007 is my 25th anniversary on May 27th. I will have to find Portia T. We can have our 25th reunion. We did not go to our 20th so we met at church on Friday. Portia is the only member that I know at WOLC that I went to school with. She and I go back to Truman Middle School "days".] It's rare that I come across my former classmates from grade school through high school years. There is a former classmate who once was my sister in law.


I though to share this timeline with you first before I share the unique things. As I look back now I know that God was with me during my early life and my schooling years. I was very shy and I had trouble hearing. [This started in elementary school.] I grew in... what I grew in . I did not have a lot of friends. I did not go to a lot parties. I did not listen to a lot of music. I could not hear the words to the songs. As for when we read out loud in class, I could not hear where we were at times when it came time for me to read. At times I did not know. I felt lost.

At first I was not going to share what I shared with you. I thought about it. I took a step of faith. All that I have been through has been experiences in life. I know where I have been and I got an idea on where I am headed. With the grace of God on my side I can keep on keeping on. I keep pressing forward.

I will keep on reminiscing on some other things. I like to thank of all you that made a comment or two... Thanks for reading my journal.... It's good to look back at things once in a while. But not to stay there. I just wanted to share this with you guys... No matter where you have been or what you have been through you can keep on keeping on. We got Jesus walking along with us on this journey called life. ~~~~~"Susie"~~~

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