This story was written on 10 Aug 2007.
I made some corrections and updates on Dec 3, 2009.
Julia (n) (?) WHITE, The Ex-Slave
She was born around 1818 to 1820 in VA.
Slave owners came from Orange and Middlesex County VA
Oral history states that she was from Africa.
Census records states she was born in VA.
Her parents were born in VA.
She was with slave holders Frances WHITE BLAKEY
and her husband John BLAKEY around 1840's.
Julia's children may have been born between
1841 cira -1866 to the 1870's ?
Resident in Forest Green MO. Chariton and Howard County in MO.
She could have remarried after slavery. But most liked didn't.
Don't know how long she was married to Andrew White
Marjority of Julia's known children didn't name their children after her.
This might mean that the children did not know here or their father.
On two children's death record state Andrew White as father.
On John White's death record Julia White as his mother.
On Isaac Blakey's death record Andrew White was listed.
There could have been at least 11 to 13 children
Born between 1841 - 1866 by this Mother, Julia
There could have been more than one father.
One of Julia's children was born in VA.
On 1880 Julia had a granddaughter named Rebecca.
Rebecca was born in MO.
Her parents were born in VA.
Julia WHITE was listed on the 1880 MO Census as a widow.
The year of her death is not known.
Oral History states that she died and was buried in Forest Green, MO.
There was an Andrew White that lived next door to Julia White.
In Howard County MO on the 1880 Census record.
There was an Andrew White Next door to Julia White in 1880.
Isaac White born abt 1800 Virginia (Self) (Head)
Andrew White born abt 1850 Missouri (Son)
Laura White born abt 1855 Missouri (Andrew's Wife)
Mariah White born abt 1874 Missouri (Daughter)
July A. White born abt 1876 Missouri (Daughter)
Isaac White born abt 1878 Missouri (Son)
Additional information about this story
Description Juila, The Mother Slave
Attached to Julia (1820 - 1880)