Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Family History Material

I got this blog idea while I was looking over family history information. I have accumulated a lot of material. It was something to go through.

By know you know that I have been searching my family history. I was re reading some things. I came across some things that I forgotten about. It's like I over looked things in the transferring information to other things.

Since there are a lot more records made public now. I can find some more of my ancestors. The search requests are checking what I have.

I'm have been putting things into notebooks. I'm seeing how I'm discovering new things. As I go back over some of what I have compiled, I see some similar things. There are names that can be confusing.

I come across family reunion information. I was reading to see who is who? Who belong to which side of the family.

May the LORD grant us idea as we go about our days. May we see the good in ideas. May the LORD bless us and keep us in His watchful care.

On The Journey
Family History Material


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