Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Leaving A Legacy

I've been searching for my family history for over 30 years. I can't recall when I really got interesting in searching. Through the years of hearing stories from family members and relatives, I started to seek out more.

My major break through in my search came while I was on I discovered many documents year after year. I'm still searching with whatever resource that's out there.

There's so much to leave as a legacy in a family history. I hope that family members in my generation and the generations to come, will have a knowing of where we came from. We all have a family history. But will we be willing to search where our ancestors and relatives came from? Will we be willing to share?

It's been a journey. I have made a lot of progress over the years. I hope to discover more along my journey quest. And I hope others can add to the family history.

As I look back over my journey, I see that there were times when I hit a season on the journey when I don't find anything. Then there were times when a wellspring of information comes. I thank God for what I have come across and for what there to discover.

I can't take all the credit on what I've come across. There has been some who helped me along the way. I thank God for them. I hope that there are others will pick up where those before them left off.

May we all know that each of us are apart of a family history.
May we share what we know or heard about the family history.
May we all leave a legacy for the generations to come.

Thanks for reading.
Leaving  A Legacy
Staying On The Journey,

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